
(C)2002 by

Download Track2TimeIt

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( Released under the GPL)

Thanks for looking at Track2TimeIt. This PDA program allows you to easily log how much time you spend on various activities. Events are easily timed with a single pen-click. Use it as a consultant's timer for your business or figure out how long you really spend in front of the TV. Your timing data is available for visual inspection in tabular and graphical form, and can even be exported outside the program; ideal for logging billable hours for submission to your clients. Track2TimeIt will simultaneously track any number of activities.

Main GUI features and program use
Database indicator - Indicates the current database, or creates a new database.
Data Tab - Contains your data and the data entry interface.
Graph Tab - Displays a scaled graph of your habits.
Data Table - A display of your data (date, total time, itemized times).
Timer Button - Press this to start or stop timing an activity..
Data Entry Box - Timing data may be entered by hand here, if desired.
Date Button - This button changes the date to be recorded. You usually won't need to use this since the current date is set by default.
Delete Button - This deletes a selected datapoint from the date window.

From the MenuBar
Delete Database - Deletes the current database.
Export - Export your data to the memopad for editing or use in an external program.
Import - Import data. Use this after creating a blank database with the same name of the memo you wish to import.
Exit - Leave the program. Track2TimeIt will continue to time events even if the program is not active or the PDA is turned off.
Register - Show your suport for this product.
- General program information.

The following example describe program operation:

  1. Launch the Program
  2. Press the New Database button to create a new database
  3. Enter a name which describes the activity, for example, consulting
  4. Press the Timer button to start timing...

It's that simple. You are now recording your consulting hours. At the end of your work, press the Timer button again to stop timing and record your data. If you restart the timer (eg, after a lunch break), the additional time recorded will be cumulative. After you have more than 1 day's data, press the Graph tab to see a plot of your data. Even while a timer is running, you may create new databases and Track2TimeIt will record as many independent activities as desired.

You must have SuperWaba installed on your PDA for this program to execute.  Executables for SuperWaba v2.2 are included and should be hotsync'd to your PDA:

  • SuperWaba.prc
  • SWNatives.prc
  • SuperWaba.pdb

The Track2TimeIt program is contained in the following files which must also be loaded on your PDA:

  • Track2TimeIt.prc
  • Track2TimeIt.pdb

Once the above programs are loaded, just run Track2TimeIt like any other PDA program.


  • The progam autoscales the Y axis. For convenience, you may wish to force the display to a scale range by entering a dummy datapoint. For example, if your data is in the range 132-396, you can force the Y-scale to 0-400 simply by entering two dummy data points: One which is 0 and the other which is 400.
  • To change a value, delete the data for that point and create another value for that date.
  • To change or delete many values you may want to export your data, edit it, and then re-import it.
  • Remember that values entered for the same date are cumulative.
  • Before you import data, try exporting a database. This will allow you to see the format of Track2TimeIt data in the memopad.

Remove Track2TimeIt by using the "delete" option from the launcher. All related datafiles will also be removed. Delete SuperWaba the same way.

Much thanks to those who have provided food for thought regarding this project. Special thanks, also, to Guilherme Hazan for excellent help with SuperWaba.

If you find this program useful, please show your support by linking to

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And finally, you should know that this program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.  Although you may find this program useful and/or entertaining, there is no guarantee of fitness for any purpose whatsoever.  The entire risk of quality and performance is with you.