With the price of computers and network connections coming down each
day, I wanted to create a simple web-page that would refresh daily with
a new art masterpiece. When our TV is idle (which is most of the
time), the online-pictureframe is loaded and displaying some great
piece of artwork.
The Online-Pictureframe is a large collection of images that rotates
daily. It will load a new and beautiful image several time a day.
There are no
ads, no text, and the cursor will disappear. In short, your
computer screen will resemble a pictureframe which refreshes to a
new high-quality image many times a day. The images are hand selected,
and are in the public domain or used with a creative commons license.
The following pictureframe channels are available:
Tip: Press F11 after opening the pictureframe to maximize your screen and hide frames and tabs. (Press F11 again to restore the window frame)
Please email me if there's a problem (eg, pictures are not refreshing), you have a question, or you want to contribute images.